♥Look 45♥

Soooo ..... While i'm enjoying my time at camp. 
My amaze ball Sponsor sent out this adorable outfit, For this round of Thimble, 
I've Included a image of Item for sale (as my twinneh is asleep and can't help me).
The Outfit's come with a Hud to change the pattern and the colour, 
Sooo... Jump on the limo ride below and check out this outfit,
Thimble Opens on the 20th July...

Look 1 

Shape - Custom 

Body- Toddledoo - Baby 

Head - Toddledoo - Alice #bento

Hair - YumYum 90 - Browns 

Outift - Little Clovers - Under the Sea Outift  @Thimble opens July 20th 

Look 2 

Hair - Monso - Jihyo - Browns 

Outfit - Little Clover - Under the Sea Overalls 
